Stock updated 17th April 2007…….

A Set of 20th Anniversary 7″ Picture Discs. Issued between 1982 and 1990.
We are pleased to offer for sale a really nice set of the twenty-two 1982 – 1990 ‘Anniversary Picture Discs’ that were released by EMI on the 20th Anniversary of the original release of The Beatles singles, commencing on October 5th 1982 for Love Me Do and continuing until March 6th 1990 for Let It Be. Each disc is in superb unplayed condition and each is contained in it’s original EMI snug fit heavy weight polythene sleeve. In addition to the picture disc itself, Hey Jude has an Apple insert, Get Back, Ballad of John & Yoko, Something and Let It Be each have a full set track listing with original and picture disc release dates. All the Picture Disc singles are in perfect unplayed condition.
Buy with confidence. These singles form an extremely attractive addition to any collection and are becoming hard to find in this fantastic condition. They were originally issued as Limited Editions and were next to impossible to find even back in 1990! This set represents a potential saving of around £100 off of the current market price.

JBCD BOX 2. Help, Rubber Soul, Revolver. UK Export CD Box set. Limited Edition No. 2086 of 3000.
Offered for sale in unused, mint condition is this hard to find export box set of CD’s intended for the Japanese marketplace. These limited edition packages were limited to just 3000 copies and how many of these still exist in this condition is anybodies guess! The package contains three CD’s, Help, Rubber Soul and Revolver and in addition, it contains a useful reference work called ‘The Beatles’ and published by Omnibus Press. As an additional bonus the package contains a small printed certificate and an exquisite enamel lapel button featuring Ringo’s drums and the trademark of The Beatles. The set is offered for sale in mint condition and could not fail to please. Buy with confidence. This package very rarely turns up and to locate one in such great condition is a true bonus.

JBCD BOX 4. The Final Years. Magical Mystery Tour, Abbey Road and Let It Be. UK Export CD Box set. Limited Edition No. 1348 of 2000.
From the same collection as the above set, this beautiful box set of CD’s is offered for sale in fine, unused mint condition. This title, ‘The Final Years’ is a limited edition, confined to just 2000 copies. The high quality presentation case includes the CD’s for Abbey Road, Let It Be and Magical Mystery Tour. As was the case with these export boxes, this special presentation includes a hardback large format book entitled ‘The Beatles – A Celebration’ by Geoffrey Giuliano. In addition to the book, it includes a small printed certificate confirming the edition of 2000 of which this is number 1348. The enamel badge depicts The Beatles on the famous crossing at Abbey Road. The set is offered for sale in mint condition and could not fail to please. Buy with confidence. This package very rarely turns up and to locate one in such great condition is a true bonus.

SEBX 11841. The Beatles aka The White Album. Capitol White Vinyl Limited Edition.
Following on from the above coloured vinyl specialties is this Limited Edition copy of The Beatles fabulous ‘White’ album. Re released on coloured vinyl to capitalise (no pun intended) on the demand for coloured vinyl – the White Album was an obvious no brainer – they pressed it on mauve (only kidding!!!). Having seen other copies we can vouch that this is a truly white album set with Capitol mauve labels. We are unable to show you the discs, as this, like the two albums above is still neatly sealed in it’s sleeve. Records are Factory fresh, sleeve (sealed) is mint with the exception of ever so slight impact damage to the lower spine – but this is not serious. As with the above – do you enjoy now or ‘lay them down’ for a few more years – the choice is yours! Buy with confidence. Not expected in the office again for sometime, sealed albums are at a premium these days.

MFSL 1-147. Magical Mystery Tour. Mobile Fidelity.
In the Mobile Fidelity series is this copy of Magical Mystery Tour. As with most Mobile Fidelity records they were purchased by vinyl enthusiasts and this copy is no exception. It has been played a couple of time from the couple of light spindle marks that are evident – but carefully so by it’s previous owner. We have graded both labels and vinyl as being in mint minus condition. The sleeve is in lovely near to mint condition. It is sold with it’s thick cardboard stabilizing sleeve and special antistatic inner sleeve. Buy with confidence. A very nice copy of this psych special offered at a great price.

MFSL 1-104.Beatles For Sale. Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs. Still Sealed.
From the same collection as the above, we can state categorically that this has never been played – why? It’s still sealed!!! Vinyl and labels are obviously factory fresh. Sleeve is nicely protected behind it’s original polythene cover. Simply stunning and a hard title to find outside of the box set. Buy with confidence. Not often found in stock and even harder to locate in still sealed condition. A must for the serious vinyl enthusiast.

3C062-04181. I Favolosi. The Beatles. 1970’s Re Issue with unique Russell Square photographic sleeve.
We are pleased to offer for sale the first of three ‘unique pictorial’ sleeved long playing records from around the world. The first, I Favolosi is the Italian version of With The Beatles. The lithography for With The Beatles had previously been used on the Italian debut LP – so this new design was put together and used instead. This LP is not the 1964 issue, but rather the issue manufactured at the beginning of the 1970’s which uses a design similar to the 1 x EMI Box label then current in the UK. The vinyl is in strong excellent condition, just a few light whispy marks prevents it being higher. Labels are near to mint with no visible spindle marks on them. The sleeve is in VG+ condition, the front is bright with some ring wear, the back is a little grubby and has a small ‘F/28 written in the top left hand corner. These defects have, however, been adequately compensated for in the bargain price. Buy with confidence. This is one of those highly desirable ‘alternate covers’ that crop up around the world and are very sought after. Although the sleeve is not mint, it is pleasing and would look very good framed.

H 052. The Beatles. Deutscher Schallplattenclub.1967 Book Club Edition.
This is a rare German ‘Book Club’ edition that we are pleased to offer for sale. Highly desirable with it’s fantastic ‘psych’ sleeve featuring a fab photo of The Beatles at the ‘Our World’ Press call at No. 1 Studio, Abbey Road taken on 24th June 1967. The sleeve is in fine excellent condition. It has slight bruising to the corners, but this does not detract from this interesting and attractive rarity. The vinyl is in VG condition. It has been played a fair amount and shows some bag rash and a few non sounding marks. The labels are in very nice excellent plus condition and are clean and unhandled looking. The track listing of this LP features a selection first published between 1963 and 1966. Side One features Eight Day’s A Week, Rock and Roll Music, No Reply, And Your Bird Can Sing, Good Day Sunshine, All My Loving, And I Love Her, A Hard Day’s Night. Side Two features Girl, Eleanor Rigby, Things We Said Today, Yellow Submarine, Michelle, If I Fell, I Should Have Known Better, Dr. Robert. A truly eclectic selection. Buy with confidence. This is a rare record that does not crop up often. Although the vinyl is not mint and after all do you need the tracks again, it is universally collected for it’s cover and this is extremely pleasing as may be seen from the photo top left.

SBTL 1017. The Beatles Forever. Brazilian LP with unique cover and edited ‘Penny Lane.
The third unique cover also hails from Brazil and is a 1972 compilation called ‘The Beatles Forever. Using the four colour photographs from The White Album, this LP has (we believe), the unique distinction of having a sound edit on ‘Penny Lane’. Whether The Beatles were aware of this edit is unknown but it certainly makes for a very unusual LP and one that we do not see in stock that often. The vinyl is in overall excellent condition with the label being in excellent plus condition. The sleeve (which again is of the plastic construction type), is in excellent towards excellent plus condition. Buy with confidence. Although not as rare as the above disc, it is nevertheless an unusual LP that is in better than average condition.

SV 12199. The Beatles Reel Music. Capitol USA – Limited (Numbered) Yellow Vinyl edition.
It’s not often that we get these late USA coloured vinyl releases come into the office, but currently we have several that are exceptional and these are listed for you to view below. This is an extremely nice 1982 yellow vinyl copy that was issued in the United States as part of a Limited run of 12,000 copies of which this is No. 6626. It is an extremely nice package and comes with a bespoke inner sleeve (see actual sleeve beneath the vinyl top right) and bespoke ‘Capitol’ labels. It also features a 12 page colour program. The sleeve is still in it’s original shrink wrap – so it has the yellow ‘movie strip’ sticker on it. We have graded the cover as being in excellent plus condition – despite being enrobed in plastic it has minute wear to the leading corners. This is no way serious and does not detract from the pleasure that is derived from this nice LP. The vinyl – it is doubtful whether it has been played is in mint condition as are the labels and the 12page program. Currently copies of this album can be viewed on several USA Collector sites at a price well in excess of $200. We are offering this attractive package at a bargain basement price. Buy with confidence. What a great and unusual record this is, a superb piece of packaging it would form an attractive centre piece to any coloured vinyl collection.

SMO 2051/2. The Beatles aka The White Album. French White Vinyl Issue.
Just in is this nice ‘white’ copy of The Beatles’ White Album. A natural for the medium, it’s a wonder that it wasn’t pressed in white vinyl originally! This copy from France is in very tidy condition and it is certainly a whiter vinyl than we have seen from some other countries. Pressed in 1978, we have graded this copy as having the vinyl discs being in fine near to mint condition. The stickered sleeve is in excellent towards excellent plus condition – a little ring wear prevents it being higher. The white vinyl sticker has a small ‘x3’ written upon it, but it is not known what this means. Buy with confidence. Not seen in stock before. A very pretty and desirable set of two discs.

1967 Fan Club, ‘Autographed’ Photograph.
We are pleased to offer for sale a really nice Fan Club item and something that would look great in Santa’s stocking, either for a Beatle Collector (or for yourself!). These little black & white glossy photos, measuring 6″ x 4″ have been signed ‘John’, ‘Paul’, ‘George’ and ‘Ringo’, using an Autopen with George and Ringo’s autograph in blue and John and Paul’s signature signed in black. They look (as they were intended to do) totally convincing and even had a ball point pen indentation to add reality. Of course, for this bargain price, it is hardly likely to be an original – but you would be surprised how many people send these to us – thinking they are real! Anyway, why not frame with a 45 rpm original, put it in the loo and have an instant collector’s item!!. Buy with confidence. Totally genuine – an original from 1967 – you couldn’t even make these today for this bargain price.

Beatles Nylon Stockings. Original Vroom & Dressman UK.
Specially made stockings made by Vroom & Dreesman it says on the packet. Well, we better take their word for it because we don’t know a lot about frilly things in this department! It also states they are 30 Den. whatever that is. We can tell you that this are an original pack of stockings from circa 1963/4, they are kind of brown in colour and the rear of the package is reproduced to the right, oh and by the way for those worried about hygiene, they appear to be unopened!

From Me To You. Original 1963 Sheet Music.
The Beatles third single, ‘From Me To You. This sheet music dates from 1963 and has it’s 2/6d price printed on the red border at the bottom of the cover. Although printed in the UK, the music looks like it was exported to Nairobi prior to returning to these shores. The sheet music is in good unmarked Excellent condition with the addition of the original retailers stamp in mauve lightly on the cover

Till There Was You. Original 1963 Sheet Music.
From The Beatles second album, With The Beatles, this musical standard was not written by Lennon/McCartney, but by Meredith Wilson and it is from the hit musical, ‘Music Man’. This sheet music dates from 1963 and has it’s 3/- price printed at the bottom of the cover. Probably not a huge seller at the time, it remains quite a rare title to locate these days, especially in this excellent plus condition.

A Hard Day’s Night. Original 1964 Sheet Music.
The Beatles second single from 1964, ‘A Hard Day’s Night’. This sheet music dates from 1964 and has it’s 3/- price printed on the red border at the bottom of the cover. The sheet music is a little grubby and handled. This however is reflected in it’s bargain price.

Yellow Submarine Pop – Out Art Decorations.
Manufactured by Western Publishing Co. This book features 20 ‘Pop-out’ decorations. It measures 9 1/2″ x 15″ and we have graded it as being in excellent plus condition.